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Publish Your Report

Install Docker

Please follow the docs for more details.

Test your installation

docker -v

# Output (Similar with the following line)
Docker version 20.10.14, build a224086

Pull the biovis-report-viewer

# Pull from DockerHub
docker pull nordata/biovis-report-viewer:v0.5

Prepare the compiled report

The compiled report contains a series of html, data, css, and javascript files, as shown in the following figure

Report HTML

Get compiled report from other researchers

Compile your own report

Please follow the Write Your Report if you need to compile your report.

Download the example report

Download the example report. After downloading, please unzip the file.

View the report

We assume that you have downloaded the sample report and unzipped it.

docker run -d -v report_html:/srv/shiny-server/ -v log:/var/log/shiny-server -p 3838:3838 nordata/biovis-report-viewer:v0.5

Open your chrome browser and access the http://localhost:3838

Last update: 2022-06-04
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