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Interactive table. It is based on js library tabulator.

Example Data

Download the example data which is from the Chinese Triple-Negative Breast Cancer cohort (Jiang, et al., Cancer Cell, 2019).

Study ID Patient ID Sample ID Age_at_surgery Anthracyclines Ascat_ACF Ascat_Ploidy Bone_metastasis Brain_metastasis BRCA12_MUT BRCA1_MUT BRCA2_MUT Chemotherapy Chemotherapy_other_regimen Chemotherapy_regimen_unknown CNA_Subtype Contralateral_supraclavicular_LN_metastasis Date_of_last_followup Date_of_surgery RFS_time_Months RFS_Status DNA_QC_Failed ERBB2_FISH ERBB2_IHC_score ER_IHC_score Exome_Seqencing Fibrosis Followup_Month Fraction Genome Altered Grade Histology Histology_extended HRD HTA_ID iCluster_Subtype Internal_mammary_LN_metastasis Intrinsic_Subtype iTILs Kbase Identifier Ki67 LC3B_ZS Live_metastasis LN_examed LN_positive LOH Lost LSTm Lung_metastasis Menopause mRNA_Subtype Mutation Count Mutation_Subtype Mutation_Subtype_Old N Necrosis Note No_Chemotherapy OncoScan_Array Paclitaxel Perineural_invasion Platins PR_IHC_score Radiotherapy RFS_time_Days RNA_Seqencing Number of Samples Per Patient Sex Size_cm SNF_Subtype sTILs Surgery T Telomeric_AI tissue_type
FUSCC_TNBC_2019 FUSCCTNBC001 FUSCCTNBC001 63 TRUE 0.42 2.939498835 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE Low_CIN FALSE 2016/1/28 2011/11/1 51.6 0:DiseaseFree FALSE NA 0 Negative YES NA 50.9260274 0.1729 NA MC NA 20.43776806 NA iC6 FALSE Basal 10 1 30 NA FALSE 18 0 13 FALSE 6.437768063 FALSE TRUE IM 111 HRD HRD 0 NA None FALSE YES FALSE FALSE FALSE Negative FALSE 1549 YES 1 Female 4 SC2 10 MRM 2 1 tumor
FUSCC_TNBC_2019 FUSCCTNBC002 FUSCCTNBC002 34 TRUE 0.23 2.50316044 FALSE FALSE NA NA NA TRUE FALSE FALSE Chr9p23_amp FALSE 2017/6/30 2014/5/30 37.6 0:DiseaseFree FALSE Negative 1 Negative YES NA 37.05205479 0.0723 NA IDC NA 31.20101318 NA NA FALSE NA 0 2 70 NA FALSE 20 0 8 FALSE 17.20101318 FALSE FALSE NA 29 Clock_like Aging 0 NA NAC FALSE YES FALSE NA FALSE Negative FALSE 1127 NA 1 Female 2 NA 10 MRM 1 6 tumor
FUSCC_TNBC_2019 FUSCCTNBC003 FUSCCTNBC003 53 TRUE 1 1.996795888 FALSE FALSE NA NA NA TRUE FALSE FALSE NA FALSE 2017/6/30 2014/8/6 35.3 0:DiseaseFree TRUE Negative 2 Negative NA NA 34.81643836 0.0010 3 Others With_Apocrine_Feature -30.95033627 NA NA FALSE Other NA 3 25 NA FALSE 16 0 0 FALSE -30.95033627 FALSE FALSE LAR NA NA NA 0 NA None FALSE NA TRUE NA FALSE Negative FALSE 1059 YES 2 Female 2 NA NA MTX 1 0 tumor
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...




dataUrl: [string] Your own file with CSV data by specifying the URL/Local Path to your file.


An interactive table.


Jingcheng Yang(


# If you have a custom data, you need to reset these arguments at least.

# If you have a custom data in your local directory, you can load it with relative path or absolute path

Last update: 2022-06-04
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