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Online example will be available soon.


Interactive pie chart. It is based on echarts.

Example Data

Download the example data.

group subgroup value
Marketing Advertising Email Marketing 310
Marketing Advertising Affiliate Advertising 234
Marketing Advertising Affiliate Advertising 135
Search Engine Baidu 1048
Search Engine Google 251
Search Engine Bing 147
Search Engine Others 102


@pie-chart-js(dataUrl="example_data.csv", group="group", subgroup="subgroup",
              value="value", title="title", radius=30, chartName="Chart Name",
              legendOrient="horizontal", legendPosition="right", selectedMode="single")


dataUrl: [string] Your own file with CSV data by specifying the URL/Local Path to your file.
group: column name that is mapped to group column.
subgroup: column name that is mapped to subgroup column.
value: column name that is mapped to value column.
title: chart title.
radius: circle radius.
chartName: chart name.
legendOrient: "horizontal", "vertical"
legendPosition: "right", "left"
selectedMode: "single", "multiple"


An interactive pie chart.


Jingcheng Yang(


# If you have a custom data, you need to reset these arguments at least.

# More arguments
@pie-chart-js(dataUrl='example_data.csv', group="group", subgroup="subgroup",
              value="value", title="title", radius=30, chartName="Chart Name",
              legendOrient="horizontal", legendPosition="right", selectedMode="single")

Last update: 2022-06-04
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