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Biovis-report is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous interactive report generator that's geared towards building scientific report.Report source files are written in Markdown and you can also integrate scientific data, plots into the report source file by using a set of biovis plugins. It is designed to be easy to use and can be extended with third-party themes, scientific visualization plugins.


  • Build static website from Markdown files.
  • Use visualization plugins to visualize your scientific data. Please see the plugins for a full plugin guide.
  • Use the built-in themes, third party themes or create your own. A list of third party themes can be found in the MkDocs community wiki.
  • Publish your report with biovis-report-viewer
  • Share the report source files or compiled html files to other researchers.

Try an example!

To familiarize you with biovis-reports and how to write a report, let's reproduce an example report. The journey contains two parts:

  1. Installation
  2. Launch the Example

Try your report!

  1. Write Your Report
  2. Publish Your Report

Last update: 2022-06-04
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